see the light,

sense the awe,

chase the wonder

David Duchemin

Awe & Wonder Photography

Hey there! This is one of those weird times I have to talk about myself and for you to go - yeah he’s the one we want! So in no particular order i’m a coffee obsessed (note not addicted), family loving, relaxed passive aggressive, photographer, who actually loves looking at photos with a particular interest in humanitarian photography, who plays bass a little but mostly sits in the house strumming his guitar, loves singing but can just hold a note, i am a follower of Jesus drawn to the amazing idea of grace, likes writing about coffee or music or photography, has too many items to make coffee with, has a lovely wife and two amazing kids one of whom hates his photo taken, have two reasonably big dogs, Dash and Daisy - a labradoodle and newfoundland respectively, I love watching the stars and sunsets, have travelled to Ethiopia and Kenya 5 times in the last 10 years, keeps on finding little nuggets on the north coast that I never knew existed, who’s first album was Paul Simon’s Graceland and actually got to sit Under African Skies, plays in a band, have never really met anyone famous, who loves a cup of tea and a sit down, hates whatsapp groups with lots of people, should be more tuned in with technology, makes lounge tables, is not fussed on grammar, puns, or those stupid puzzles that everyone shares on Facebook, but most of all…….


I cant tell you how much I enjoy being that person at a wedding. Its a special job and with every wedding being unique (except for those best man speeches) its a joy to be involved. I have often smiled at the beauty found at a wedding, sometimes in the smallest of details or moments.

I am a massive fan of David Duchemin, a humanitarian photography (who I actually once met), who concepts for photography have been the only ones to influence me. His manifesto influenced my brand, seeing the light, sensing the awe and chasing the wonder of a moment and all that lies within it.

In the pursuit of making these type of photos, being in the moments and being a better photographer for it, hopefully we will establish something more than a client/customer relationship. That on the day, it will be a relaxed day full of fun and occasional mischief!
